
Saturday, February 21, 2009

More, More, More...

And now for a lighter note! All of this introspective work gets to be a bit much. Time for some levity. Here is one of the finished (semi?) collages I'm submitting for the Baker's Dozen Collage Exchange. Obviously, the theme is More! I've been saving all of these jewelry catalogs I get in the mail thinking there would be a good use for those gorgeous shots of diamonds, gold, etc. This was a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air.

I've already told hubby not to talk to me today; I'm in the zone! He's busy anyway, so it's a good thing. I want to knock these 13 collages out so I can get busy on my art dolls, canvas works in progress and a hundred other things I'm itching to get back to working on.

It's a snowy, rainy, gusty, windy, gray day here: a perfect day to stay in and make some art!

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