
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Playing With Graphite

After a long, dry spell I'm slowly working my way back into the studio. This was an experiment with graphite powder and acrylics. Fun, but messy. ;-) I'll be doing more with the graphite. I'm still mixing it with other media and playing. I saw these lines in a poem called Statuary by Katherine Larson and was inspired:

"The late cranes throwing 
their necks to the wind stay
somewhere between
the place that rain begins
and the place that it ends
they seem to exist just there
above the horizon at least
I only see them that way
tossed up
against the gray October
light ... "

I also took a tumble down the five steps that lead into our garage while I was unloading groceries from the car. Yes, I landed in a big pile on the concrete floor. My knees and wrists took the brunt of the fall so it could have been worse.  I'm on the mend now. I haven't fallen in a while. It always scares me when I do. No broken bones, just many bruises and a swollen knee.  :(

The Summer stupor has started to wear off and now I'm beginning to feel the energy that always seems to accompany the beginning of Fall. It's about time! I have a few things in the works and hope to have something to share later this week. 


Pearson Report said...

Dear Pam,

A pause is sometimes all it takes to recharge the batteries and refocus fractured energy.

Welcome back - I too took a wee pause.
We must be of the same mindset - I too feel the energy surge as the cooler autumn weather blows in and wraps itself around me with just enough warmth to let me know the early frost of winter is but a distant thought.

You picture is beautiful - I see the cranes taking flight - the sun inching its way to the close of another day - October is but a month away.

I’m sorry to read about your tumble; and most happy that nothing was broken. Knees and wrist always surprise me with their ability to withstand these falls - quite amazing this thing we call “body” - hearty yet vulnerable - I’m blowing some “get better knee kisses” your way (the mother in me...always wanting to make it better).

Take care, mend your parts and smile at your good fortune...could always have been worse.

Big Hugs, Jenny

Anonymous said...

My dearest Puck,

sometimes in life, like a great movie we must hit the pause button to savor the moment. From the looks of this piece a pause was just what was needed my friend...its beautiful.

Im glad you didnt break anything in the fall...


Clare said...

The change of season, the change of pace, a renewal and new energy. New inspiration, new experimentation, and so life goes - it makes me think of circles. I think even when we are trying out new methods, playing with processes we are telling a story - been thinking a lot about that lately.

Clare said...

The change of season, the change of pace, a renewal and new energy. New inspiration, new experimentation, and so life goes - it makes me think of circles. I think even when we are trying out new methods, playing with processes we are telling a story - been thinking a lot about that lately.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your picture, very dramatic and effective. Glad your mojo is coming back, but sorry to hear about your fall, doesn't sound nice at all! Take care of yourself, and give yourself the time you need to heal! Hugs, Valerie

Unknown said...

I love the overall effect of your drawing- and the poem that accompanies it is PERFECT! Summer heat seems to put me in a rut too, which makes me even happier to see signs of Autumn in the air.
Thank God you weren't hurt- falls are always scary!

Bill said...

I haven't even heard of mixing graphite powder with acrylics! Beautiful painting to accompany the wonderful poem. It almost makes the thought of October coming bearable. And I am very happy you didn't break your noggin! (It makes me feel so rebellious to start a sentence with the word "and." Yep, we have to keep grasping for those little things that make us happy.)

EVA said...

Hope you feel better soon!

This is simple and very lovely.

Sherry said...

Sorry about your tumble!! But I do want to say that I love your blog!

Martin said...

Get well soon : ) Love these contrasting colors.

Denise Mulligan said...

Hi Pam,
I'm so sorry to read about you falling. How awful! I hope you're feeling better soon. I know it's hard when you would like to do so many things and your body hurts. I have arthritis and sometimes can't do as much as I would like.
The universe is trying to tell you to slow down. Rest, relax, get better!

Pat Tillett said...

Ouch! I'm so sorry you fell and hurt yourself. It looks to me like you have a good handle on the graphite already. You VERY talented!

Pam Tucker said...

Jenny: Thank you so much for your thoughts. They truly mean the world to me. Big HUG to you!

David: Lots of love to you, my friend.

Clare: Oh, wonderful words of wisdom! Thank you! ;)

Valerie: Thank you as always, my dear friend! Hugs to you! :)

Stephanie: Thank you so much! Yes, Fall definitely puts a better spin on things for me. ;)

Bill: Ha! You little rebel, you! Thanks for making me smile. Again! ;)

Eva: Thank you! ;)

Sherry: Thank you very much! I appreciate it.

Martin: Hello! And thank you, as always, my dear friend! :)

Denni: Yes, you are right. And it's hard to listen sometimes to that message! Thank you! :)

Pat: Hi! Nice to see you, as always. And thank you!! Big Hug!

Sherry said...

I like this. Never heard of graphite powder but I love the effect.

keep up the great work!