
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let It Go

"And in a burst of light that blinded every angel
As if the sky had blown the heavens into stars
You felt the gravity of tempered grace
Falling into empty space
With no one there to catch you in their arms."
--from "Iridescent", by Linkin Park

I'm often inspired by music and poetry. This song has been playing on my iPod constantly. There has been a lot of frustration for me lately. Maybe it's because the knee is still not completely healed. Sometimes when I'm hurt or sick, little things will often become magnified. Aarrgghhh! Then I find myself having little pity parties. Well, I have to stop that. I have to keep reminding myself that the little things are not worth it and I do need to just let them go. Otherwise I let them eat at me and take what little energy I do have.  :(

So I went to the canvas and the verse I quoted above really stuck with me. And when I started to paint I just let it ALL go. It felt good! :-) I have these gold mica flakes that I love to use for special effects. They don't show up very well in the photo but on the canvas they really shine, like little stars. This piece makes me happy. That was my goal when I started, so mission accomplished! Here's the song that started it all. I hope you like it as well as I do:


Valerie-Jael said...

Great painting and the verse is good today. Sorry you haven't been feeling well Pam, hope you soon feel better! Hugs and sparkles, Valerie

Lori Saul said...

Your art is always such an expressive piece of you Pam- it draws the viewer into your joy and pain- (the meaning of art I think). Love this piece!

Unknown said...

I'm constantly letting things go ...that is my way I suppose... it's the only way I see to be able to go on. Thanks for sharing the well

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew how to let things go, maybe I will learn as I get older...I can hope.

beautiful work as always dear Puck :)

Crystal said...

What a perfect illustration! :-)

Bill said...

The painting not only expresses the words of the song very well, but definitely has the feeling of letting go. I think that's something all of us need to learn.

Franz said...

It's favorite band of my youngest daughter .... I know their songs and this is very beautiful!

Good work Pam, a hug and happy week!

Pat Tillett said...

Hi Pam! I've been away for a bit and now I gotta catch up here. Love that Linkin Park song and it sure seems to tie in to the feelings you are talking about. The painting is awesome. It looks like a burst of light, or a frothing pool of light and energy. Either way, I love it!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Your art is fantastic and always when I visit your blog you inspire me by your art works!
By the way unfortunately in germany we can't buy CitraSolv, cause I love to alter magazin pages too! I discovered that nail polish remover works splendid, so I used it successful. Some pages are on my blog. Can be found on Label "Decolored Art- nail poish remover"
Wish you anice weekend,
hugs Anja

Lesley Edmonds said...

What a fabulous song. I love it!! And the quote you chose fits your art work perfectly.

Pam Tucker said...

Valerie: Thank you, dear friend! I'm doing much better. Big Hug!

David: Hard to do sometimes, I know. Hugs to you, my friend!

Crystal: Thank you! ;)

Bill: Thank you! I printed out the words to that song and have them hanging above my work table. ;)

Franz: I LOVE this band too! I'm glad you like this piece. Big hug to you, too!

Pat: I know you've been travelling! Lucky man! And thank you for your kind comments, as always. I love when you visit. ;)

Anjas: Thank you so much for your kind words! I didn't know that nail polish remover works as well! Great tip to remember! I am eager to see your work! ;)

Lesley: Thank you! I appreciate your comment very much! :)

Pam Tucker said...

Lori: Thank you! Your words always encourage and uplift me. :)

Kat: I admire that so much! I hope to be able to let go of things more easily in the future. I find it challenging but necessary. Thank you for your comment! :)

Shelley Whiting said...

I love the layering of marks and colors. Beautiful textures. A stunning and exquisite piece.