
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another Realm: Journal Page

While working in my Goddess Journal I've concluded that, try as I might, I probably will not draw a face for every journal page. I'm not that good at it and I want to try other techniques, but the pages will still tie in to the overall theme.

This two-page spread was an experiment in two things: 1) working in a different color scheme (for me) and 2) using windows on a page. First, I love this window technique. I learned about this one in a wonderful workshop I'm taking on altered books. The teacher is Monica Zuniga and she's absolutely amazing. You can find her website at . I'm enrolled in a portrait drawing class that will be starting Aug. 20. Check out her beautiful site. This altered book workshop is free and you can see all of her cool techniques she shows in her gorgeous books!

Here is a closeup of the two pages individually:

The verse is from a poem I'm writing. It's not finished yet but this is my favorite verse so far. I'm trying to keep with the idea of including some form of poetry in each spread. After adjusting the size of the verse in Photoshop, I printed it out onto matte brochure paper and then inked around the edges. It is adhered to an envelope I made, painted and inked up. Then I stitched it with embroidery thread onto the dyed cheesecloth underneath. The little verse fits perfectly inside the envelope.

I like the aged look of the pages; that the black paint rubbed around the edges makes the page look and feel like old, worn leather. The page with the eye reminds me of an ancient page that has burn marks around the edges. Monica's technique is super easy. For the "eye" windows I used 6 pages from an old book on oil painting (how appropriate!) that I got from the library in their discard box. When I finished with the technique I glued all six pages together and then adhered them to the Moleskine page. I used the criss-cross staples for more texture and then repeated that motif in the stitches on the envelope.

I've been surprised at the feedback on this spread from some of my friends and other galleries I've posted it in. Hubby said it was creepy and made him nervous. (He says that about a lot of my "dark" art; although I didn't think this was dark!) In one of my galleries two people said pretty much the same thing. One was from a man (said it gave him the heeby jeebies -- I would expect as much) and in another comment the lady said it creeped her out. Hmmm. I find it interesting, though, to hear that. I didn't intend for it to be creepy or to make anyone nervous. In looking at it again I guess it could be because of the dark colors, the oranges, reds, etc. Maybe reminds people of Halloween. Oh well, it's a good thing I create for me and not other people. ;)

I don't use a whole lot of reds and oranges in my art but I am trying to branch out and use other colors besides my faves of blues, violets and pinks. The fun thing about trying some of these new techniques is I never know where it will take me once I start! Hope this doesn't creep you out!

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