
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Not Feeling It

It's Paint Party Friday time again! And you would think this girl would be more excited about it. Especially after I went to all the trouble of hand-piecing her dress (all made from tiny bits of CitraSolv papers glued together)! So when I surprised her with the dress, I had her try it on. You see the reaction I got. She had an attitude from the day I sketched her. You just can't please some people!  ;)

Be sure to check out the other PPF entries. You never know what you'll find!


GlorV1 said...

Her dress is actually very nice. She does look a little upset but maybe because it's starting to get warm. I think very soon we are all going to start feeling the heat and participation will not be as frequent. Great job, she'll be fine.;))) Have a great Friday.

Pat Tillett said...

Her dress looks like my tortise shell cat. She needs to cheer up!

Jenn Girl said...

Nice! I like the story behind it! Made me laugh! I also really like your paintings in your header especially the person walking with the blue coat.

carlarey said...

I know just how you feel, everything I've painted this week has given me attitude...or maybe I am the one with the attitude.

She looks like Debbie harry to me, and she was the queen of attitude!

Anonymous said...

Hi pam.
yesh, i understand a pouty focal subject :) most of mine were a bit shit early in the week. i totally feel you on that one - but i have to say that i Like what you've come up with.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Well, attitude is what it's all about. Give a girl a break. :)

Hybrid J said...

Give the lady some time and I'm sure she'll love the dress you made for her! ;)

WrightStuff said...

Maybe it's just not her colour?! I love how sometimes the faces we create seem to take on a personality of their own and glare at you from the canvas.

I adore the picture from your previous post by the way - it's so dreamy.

Anonymous said...

she definitely has that wry sort of "seriously?" expression on her face! i love her dress- the pattern and colour created from gluing all that paper worked a treat!

Abela said...

How funny the way you describe the expression of the girl .. really the dress is crafted with love. Saluos

Valerie-Jael said...

I love the dress, but she does look snooty, reminds me of the lady at the chemist's here!

Netty said...

Your PPF painting is a look I so recognise from one of my daughters, she used to hate trying dresses on and now you can't stop Terrific painting Pam. Happy PPF, Annette x

Unknown said...

Love that dress ;0) I am still looking for the right mags to play with my citrasolve. You're right though. You can only please some of the people some of the time. I hope your pleased with this it's great!


not displayed said...

her dress is beautiful. Maybe she is just tired?

Unknown said...

She reminds me of my teenage daughter when I make her try on new clothes.

Darla said...

Teenager! For sure, Janelle! That was my first thought! I'll bet she is pouting because she wanted a big hat or some hair accessory!

How fun! I love your narratives that go with your pictures. I can just get into that! Oh, I think I did.

Ileana said...

I don't know which I love more your artwork or your explanation of it. LOL

Love her expression and wow, that dress! She's probably thinking, "all dressed up and nowhere to go" or "you can dress me up but you can't take me out..." something like that. ;) LOVE her attitude!!

Happy PPF!

Heather said...

she's got a great've captured the expression very well...the dress is so cool and very creative!

Christine said...

well I think it's a beautiful dress and it looks great on her!

Junibears said...

Gorgeous dress Pam and Brilliant painting. I just love her attitude! Hugs xx

Nelly said...

You are making me laugh! I love the dress, how could she not be happy with it. The nerve of some people! But seriously, you have had great success with the Citrisolv. I have yet to really explore it. I tried one day, but didn't really give it time to set up. Have a great weekend.

Denise Mulligan said...

So funny! She does look ticked off! I bet she thinks it makes her look fat! How can she pout with a lovely couture dress like that? I wish you could make a real dress just like it. Maybe you can? Do you sew?

EVA said...

LOL - I bet she is thinking of all the adjustments she would make to that dress to make it cooler or edgier. (Lower cut, tighter around the waist, no sleeves...) It is however beautiful and creative - I love the background/contrast too! Lovely!!

peggy gatto said...

your narration makes me LOVE this painting all the more!
Would make a great card!!!!!!!

Terrie said...

So much work in the dress and she dares to have that attitude???? :) I see a little boredom - maybe it's been a long day.
Happy PPF - and I bet next week will be better for her.

Kristin Dudish said...

Ha! Such a fun post to accompany you well dressed woman! (I am very curious about citrasolv papers... I keep seeing them mentioned... off to google it!)


Kristin Dudish said...

Okay, I'm back...
I just googled citrasolv and saw a very familiar image... Andy Warhol?!? I loved that image when I first saw it and I am thrilled you won a contest with it!!! Congratulations!!! Wheeee!

Okay, I have to go find out more about what citrasolv actually is, when I saw your image I was just so excited to come back and congratulate you! (can you tell?!? ha!)


Christine Krauss said...

I love her dress Pam! I'd like one just like it please! :0) I love how you have painted her to look like she is just about to ask me a question! LOVE that! I also love the vivid orange background with the striking contrast of her white hair and dark dress! Scrummy! I'm feeling it Pam! Definitely feeling it! :0))))) Big hugs xxx <3

Anonymous said...

maybe she doesn't like getting her portrait done,, the dress is beautifull the whole painting, is,, how clever, thankyou for visiting my blog today and for your kind words

Jenny said...

hehe! Some girls just don't know a gorgeous dress when they see it. Personally I'd wear the danger of it making my bottom look big! ha! Gorgeous work as always :)xx

Her Speak said...

The contrast in this piece is great--I'm digging that zippy orange background. :)

Anne Butera said...

Beautiful! And what a fun post to go along with it!

Unknown said...

She reminds me of my sons girlfriend!! Love the painting in the previous post!! And your soaring crow in your header. Nice to meet ya!!

Sacred Yoli said...

Guat??? You handmade her dress, and she has attitude? Pshhh!
Happy PPF. I love the story behind your pretty piece. I know that took a lot of time to put together. Salute to your atience!
Happy PPF and thanks for stopping by!

Marlene said...

She does look a little put out, or is it sadness I see? I bet her attitude has nothing to do with the beautiful dress you gave her.

Melisa said...

LOL, that is the withering look I give my DH when he has said something unbearably stupid, which he does from time to time. If I had a dress like that, I'd be smiling! But maybe she is too cool to look pleased.

Crystal said...

Oh but her dress is just wonderful. I love how you pieced it on her. :-)

BahamaDawn said...

lovely dress.....maybe she'll learn to like her dress!!! she's probably just having a bad day! happy PPF!

Bill said...

Now don't hit me, but maybe it's just that time of month. The dress is great, but nothing she puts on is going to make her feel much like celebrating today.

Pam Tucker said...

Bill: Ha! That made ME laugh out loud! :)

Sunshineshelle said...

LOL, looks like my reaction in a fitting room, I never like anything, always looks better on the rack LOL... but in this case, I do like, VERY MUCH, she should smile, she looks wonderful!!!

Giggles said...

Wow she is annoyed to be sure! But I love her dress! Maybe she needs her hair dyed and that's why she is so cranky! Good job though! Funny how they have a mind of their own!

Hugs Giggles happy ppf!

Lesley Edmonds said...

I'd certainly smile if someone made me a dress like that. Great artwork!

SHERI COOK said...

I like the dress. Even more interesting is her facial expression though. Since you can't read her right away you find you look at her all the more. Great work in my opinion! HAPPY PPF!

Unknown said...

This is great- I love the dress and I have to admit that I like her expression- her lack of "smilie-ness" makes her all the more interesting to look at!

Geckostone said...

I think the dress is beautiful and so is the girl! She just seems tired,alittle sad and maybe questioning her life path right now. Oh I guess that's me too, maybe that's why I see her this way!Deb

Magic Love Crow said...

Pam, very cute! Well, personally, I lover her dress! And, she does have some attitude, but she still looks great! Happy PPF!

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Pam, sorry, spelling mistake! Meant to say "love" not "lover"! LOL!

Victoria said...

Hi Pam...fabulous...she is very strong....I love the orange backdrop..and her eyes and face stunning......she has a real presence..the dress is amazing..what wonderful work creating the dress with those papers..awesome!

and wow..i love the the post below as well..magnificent!
I always love visiting your realm..fantastic!

Lisa Fulmer said...

ooooh i've been wanting to play with citra-solve - very cool!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I´d love to have a dress like that. Now I need to know what citrasolv is. She has beautiful, clear eyes.

ger chouinard said...

Pam: I LOVE her 'attitude' and the dress is awesome (I don't even know what CitraSolv papers are, but now I'm going to find out). Perfect story for the piece! Love her hair too! Well Done!

Lynette said...

So funny that you treat her as real. The way I know a figure is "working" is that it seems to move and breathe. Your post made me smile about that!

Mary Hysong said...

well, you can't please everybody, so you might as well just please yourself ;-) i think the dress looks pretty cool, but I like dark tones like that.

Cameron said...

I say slap her...with paint that is...haha!
I tend to re-work their expressions til I'm happy looking at them.
Her dress is awesome...she should be thrilled...heehee :D