
Thursday, December 16, 2010

In My Dreams

I always think of my Mom a lot this time of year. I dream about her more. She loved Christmas! ;) She would put up two trees...more if my Dad would have let her. She loved to decorate and have an open house on Christmas Eve. It was very important for her to have the entire family there that night. Others were invited, too, but the family better show up. No excuses! Her eyes would light up when we were all milling about, munching on her cookies and fudge (yummy!), usually teasing each other about something.

So sometimes in my dreams I get these letters from her. It's as if she's on this trip and she's checking in. ;) They are usually just short notes that refer to a vague house she's staying in. It's all very strange but somehow reassuring. She seems happy. She never mentions coming home but she always seems full of energy and busy. That was how she used to be before she got sick: always doing something. ;) I sometimes wish I could just join her now. But I guess we all go when it's our time.

This will be the first Christmas I won't be spending with my family. Due to my surgery being so near the holiday we will just be staying put this year and not be making the trip. But a quiet holiday won't be a bad thing. I'll just keep reading her letters... in my dreams.  ;)


Lori Saul said...

This is a beautiful emotional piece; thoughtative, dreamlike and inspirational too. The winter solstice does make us dig deeper -hibernate so to speak into our dream time. We can learn a lot from our visions. I hope all goes well for you Pam with your surgery ( I will send positive thoughts),and the very best and restful Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for your wonderful visits to my blog this year , your inspiration and kind comments!


Anonymous said...

I believe a mothers love is one of the only loves strong enough to transend is beautiful that she loves you so much she lets you know she is ok...


Mixed Media - said...

Paam you touched my heart and make me cry...You´re a good soul.

Love and Hugs


Bill said...

Your friends will be with you even though not in person. We will be sending you healing thoughts, prayers and love.

Your digital collage is so wonderful! It's amazing how moving shades of white can be.